Alternative Help - Local Offer

We understand that families and young people often need support and may not be in a position to commence private support. Here is a list of alternative local services and support stratagies for families and individuals. 

If you or your child need urgent support please attend your local A&E department 


Do you feel that there is a current crisis?

Call SET CAMHS - Freephone 0800 953 0222 (Monday - Friday Between 0900-1700) 

If your concerns escalate about your child or young person, please call NHS 111  — Mental health help 'Option 2'.


Call NELFT Mental Health Direct: 0800 995 1000 (Out of Hours / Weekend or Bank Holidays) 

If it is an emergency, immediate danger to life/safety dial 999 or visit Accident and Emergency (A&E).

Useful contacts – for 11-18 year olds

The NHS urgent mental health helpline (Under 18's) for the Colchester area: North East London NHS Foundation Trust

0800 953 0222

Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you call, you'll speak to a professional in your local NHS mental health service.They can discuss your current mental health needs and provide access to further support if needed.

Calls to NHS urgent mental health helplines are free

"The OutHouse will support people in the LGBTQ+ community, and those connected to it through family or other relationships, to increase their skills, knowledge, and self-confidence in improving their health and well-being."